This is a work in progress in anticipation of the next release of RediDraft in the first quarter of 2024


Tim Owensby

One of my earliest conversations with Jan DeSalvo about FastDraft was about competition. She talked about the applications she thought FastDraft directly competed with and why. She was very passionate about how FastDraft was better than any known competition in every way. After working with her and the Interactive Professional Software team for about a year I was convinced FastDraft didn’t really have any direct competition. Sure, FastDraft did what every other document automation solution did, but it also did a whole lot more. And more importantly, there wasn’t any other solution out there able to do what FastDraft did.

Now almost 30 years later with a new release of RediDraft on the horizon I am being asked how RediDraft stacks up against its competition. It’s certainly not a new question, it’s one we’ve been answering for 30 plus years.

The honest reality is RediDraft, just like FastDraft before it, just doesn’t have any real competition. I don’t make that statement lightly and it doesn’t come from arrogance.

All the other document automation solutions I know about solve all the easy parts and pieces. They all let you setup templates, many even let you craft interviews to gather the variable data, but they all solve the same basic easy parts of automating document generation.

RediDraft does that too but it goes way beyond simply defining templates and entering variable data. RediDraft is an advanced tool honed to conquer the hardest parts of document automation.

But not having competition doesn’t mean RediDraft is the perfect solution for anyone and everyone. RediDraft is very much a niche product for an exclusive user base. If you are able to take advantage of its advanced features then RediDraft provides unmatched value. An elite estate planning firm easily pays for the license cost for an entire year by using RediDraft to assemble a single estate plan. For this reason many firms who use RediDraft don’t want their competitors to know about it.


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